Why Measuring Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Is Not Enough

At Talent Trust, we go beyond the ordinary measures of DE&I. Our commitment is not merely reflected in numbers but in the profound impact on our crew's experience.

Read along to learn the statistical proof of how the heightened social impact benefits the company in the future.

True success in diversity goes beyond statistics, focusing on implementation, belonging, and the well-being of all talent and crew. Our achievements to date:

60% Average improvement in talent satisfaction from survey #1 to #2

75% Average talent & crew workplace satisfaction

Our strategy goes beyond preventing the sense of being labeled as "other." It's about creating and fostering an environment where everyone's unique perspectives are acknowledged and celebrated.

74% of respondents want the opportunity to do work that will shape the future in some meaningful way (2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report)

Prioritising employee well-being makes the company appealing to highly accomplished talent willing to contribute to its success. Elevate your company culture beyond numbers to a genuine sense of belonging within your team. Let's redefine success together.

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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