Unlock Valuable Insights

Ensure transparency, ethical practices, and improved effectiveness in your advertising production supply chain.


In the complex world of advertising, brands rely on agencies to craft compelling ads. These agencies, in turn, collaborate with production companies scattered across the globe. Often, brands remain unaware of who exactly creates their advertisements and how these parties align with ethical production standards. This lack of transparency in your supply chain poses a significant reputational risk—should standards falter, the brand suffers.

Eyes On Production

Enhance Marketing Effectiveness

We believe in improving creative effectiveness by fostering a better culture within production environments. Our system of KPIs and rewards for best-in-class production companies encourages a ripple effect, promoting higher standards and enhancing the overall creative output. This strategic alignment empowers CMOs to transform internal culture and uphold stringent data ethics across all advertising activities.

Commit To Excellence In Advertising

Partner with Talent Trust to safeguard your brand, optimize your advertising investments, and lead with integrity in every campaign. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your advertising efforts through rigorous audits, responsible policies, and unwavering commitment to excellence

Ensuring Brand Safety And Ethical Advertising

Talent Trust offers 'Eyes On Production'—We provide detailed benchmarks and audits of each production, giving you a clear view of the entire process, no matter where in the world your advertising is being crafted. This isn’t just about monitoring; it's about enabling responsible marketing and ensuring that every ad reflects your brand’s values and commitment to social impact & sustainability.

Data Insights For Strategic Decision-Making

Gain deep insights into the marketing capabilities and impacts of your campaigns. Our data-driven approach helps manage multi-stakeholder relationships and ensures compliance with your responsible advertising policies. By benchmarking productions against one another, we not only highlight best practices but also identify areas for optimization and workflow efficiency.

Key Benefits

Objective Insight

Talent Trust's anonymous survey platform gives you an unvarnished view into how productions are truly operating behind-the-scenes. This allows you to identify blindspots and areas for improvement that may not be evident from client feedback alone.

Enhancing Crew Wellbeing And Satisfaction

Talent Trust's platform helps create a safer, more inclusive, and supportive work environment for crew members. By prioritising their well-being and addressing their concerns, production companies can boost crew satisfaction, productivity, and retention. Happy, satisfied crew members are more likely to deliver their best work and contribute to a positive on-set culture.

Demonstrating Commitment To Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Talent Trust's platform helps production companies identify and address DEIB challenges, promoting a more inclusive and equitable workplace. By leveraging our insights to create targeted DEIB initiatives and track progress over time, companies can demonstrate a genuine commitment to creating a welcoming environment for all crew members. This not only enhances their reputation but also attracts a more diverse talent pool.

Risk Mitigation

By proactively monitoring team dynamics, communication, safety practices and more through Talent Trust’s platform, production companies can get ahead of potential problems before they escalate into larger issues that derail production. This helps mitigate legal and financial risks as well as reputational damage.


“We have been working closely with Talent Trust since 2021, collaborating on the development of a comprehensive Talent Charter and its integration into our communications production ecosystem. The experience has been nothing short of exceptional. The implementation process was remarkably straightforward, ensuring minimal disruptions for our production, crew, and talent. Thanks to Talent Trust, we now have invaluable insights into diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a genuine sense of belonging during Reckitt productions.”

ReckittBritish multinational consumer goods company