Eyes On Production

Survey → Analyse → Consult

Our enlightening reports extend beyond DEI, fostering a culture of belonging and igniting peak performance within your team through enhanced transparency.


Our status as an independent company provides us with a unique advantage when we administer surveys and gather insights from your team, regardless of their location anywhere around the world. This anonymity encourages genuine and honest feedback, resulting in higher response rates.



Our seasoned consultants leverage the captured data points to steer your decision-making process. We transform raw data into actionable insights, unveiling potential strategies to enhance team cohesion, foster an equitable environment, fuel creativity, and cultivate a thriving culture of collaboration.

Delivering Insights On






Committed To Excellence

Average improvement in talent satisfaction from survey #1 to #2



Countries reached

Survey languages available


Average talent & crew workplace satisfaction


Average survey response rate



  • Data collection

    Data collection begins with the distribution of a QR code to your team members. This code may be provided via various means such as email, call sheets, or posters placed in their work environment.

  • Finishing data collection

    Data collection concludes once a substantial amount of respondent feedback has been received. The gathered data is anonymized and carefully reviewed to ensure the removal of any identifiable traits.

  • Advanced Analytics

    Once survey data is collected, our analysts deploy advanced quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques to extract maximum insight, including:

    · Benchmark comparisons

    · Trend analysis over time

    · Correlation mapping

    · Sentiment analysis

    · Root cause identification

  • Consulting Expertise

    Our seasoned consultants then work closely with your leadership to interpret the findings, apply deep industry expertise, and develop actionable recommendations, such as:

    · Improved processes/workflows

    · Policy/practice updates

    · Training/coaching priorities

    · Resource optimisation

    · Team structures/communication

    This collaborative consulting ensures the insights translate into meaningful positive impact.

Case Studies

  • Survey Feedback and Problem:

    No specialist booked to do Black hair. Makeup artist not carrying the correct colour tone. Shoots running over. Consequence: a diverse team is made to feel ‘other’, unprepared, lack of teamwork, lack of support.

    Resolution Consultation

    A training and awareness of diversity on set. A template of questions to run through prior to a shoot, so that support is available.

    Private changing room created with a pop up small tent that can be used in any location.

    Result 2nd Survey

    Uptick of 30% satisfaction, better coordination on set, better preparation, less time wasted, money saved, better team engagement.

  • Survey Feedback and Problem

    60% of models spending over 6 hours at castings. 70% of the 60% stated once finally called for the audition, it took seconds and then they were told to leave.

    Problem, agencies don’t want to send their models and models don’t want to attend.

    Consultation & Solution

    New casting guidelines for all major productions. Call times better managed.

    2nd Survey & Result

    Agencies and models were less frustrated by the process. Time and money saved. More cohesive teamwork.

  • Survey & Problem

    65% of crew felt fatigued and stressed about the grueling work schedule. Stress and tiredness caused friction.

    Consultation and Solution

    Job share was offered. Schedules where possible were shifted to accommodate the working parents better.

    Self care was promoted, prioritizing mental health by engaging in activities that promote relaxation.

    2nd Survey

    Better morale and focus during working hours. A more cohesive team with compassion as a driver.