According to Edelman Trust, for 71% of employees, social impact of the company is a deal breaker. However, what does social impact mean for your business?

Benefits of Social Impact


  • 70% of employees say they would not work for a company without a strong purpose.


  • 90% of employees who work at companies with a strong sense of social good say they’re more inspired, motivated, and loyal.


  • 92% of employees who work at a socially responsible companies say they would be more likely to recommend their employer to those in their network who are looking for a job.


  • 17% increase in productivity comes from employees who feel engaged

  • 21% of companies are more profitable and can have 41% lower absenteeism.

Our powerful insights and report will help your action plan to develop productivity and engagement on production. Also, check in with your team, support their wellbeing and provide managers with the tools they need to make positive impactful change in that area.

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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