Empowering Your Social Impact Initiative:

One Survey At A Time

Harnessing Data To Drive Social Responsibility

In the modern corporate landscape, the triple pillars of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are critical challenges that businesses of all sizes must address to thrive and maintain credibility. A recent survey by PEC's (Policy Evidence Centre)  reveals a troubling trend within the creative sector: 60% of the workforce is leaving, and 51% are quietly quitting, underscoring the growing importance of fostering a positive work environment.

At Talent Trust, we specialise in amplifying the 'S'—Social—component of your ESG efforts through strategic data-driven insights. By understanding and addressing the dynamics of workplace satisfaction and engagement, we help production companies and brands not only enhance performance but also retain their valuable workforce.

Building A Better Tomorrow

Enhancing Workplace Culture And Community

Equity And Inclusivity

We go beyond mere policy recommendations to actively measure and promote equality, diversity, and inclusivity within your productions. Our approach ensures your corporate values are rippled down the supply chain to your productions, driving sustained impact.

Community And Well-being

Our surveys dive deep into the nuanced realms of team satisfaction, well-being, trust, and open communication—vital elements that contribute to a healthy ecosystem and vibrant workforce community.

Turning Good Into Gain

At Talent Trust, we believe that social good extends beyond altruism—it’s a strategic advantage. Through our focused surveys and detailed analyses, we not only track and amplify your social impact but also demonstrate how these efforts contribute to your bottom line. Partner with us to transform how you measure success and make a difference—one survey at a time.

Why Social Impact Matters:

  • 70% of employees say they wouldn’t work for a company lacking a strong purpose. Our data helps shape your mission, aligning your goals with the values of your employees and enhancing recruitment and retention.

  • With 90% of employees more motivated and loyal at companies known for their social responsibility, our surveys pinpoint the drivers of engagement, helping you foster an inspired workplace for your freelance, subcontracted workforce.

  • A socially responsible reputation increases referrals, with 92% of employees at such companies likely to recommend them as excellent places to work. We help you leverage this goodwill to attract top talent.

  • Engaged employees are proven to boost productivity by up to 17%. Our insights enable you to unlock this potential, translating social good into measurable business outcomes