Creative Talent Wellbeing: 15 Key Tips

This booklet is designed to enhance your creative processes with practical insights. It begins with essential pre-production strategies, moves on to effective feedback techniques, and concludes with vital advice on managing a fatigued team. Our goal is to help you foster a healthier, more productive working environment. We believe you'll find these tips invaluable and transformative for your work.

Dive in and discover how to elevate your creative processes and cultivate a more robust, productive working environment.

Safety On Set: A Guide To Safer Filming

This booklet is designed to enhance your set with practical advice on safety. You will read and learn about:

  • How Health And Safety In Film And TV Can Improve?

  • Unmasking Hidden Set Safety Hazards

  • 6 Ways To Prevent On-Set Injuries

  • Gear Safety Checklist

  • Equipment Planning

  • The Importance Of Rehearsals

  • Crowd Control Management On Set

Discover the essential tips on the safety in film.

How To Tackle Bullying And Harassment On A Film Set?

This booklet provides a comprehensive examination of bullying and harassment, offering practical advice that can be put into action right away. You will read and learn about:

  • Tolerance Of Unprofessional Behaviour In Creative Industries: What Are The Challenges?

  • Understanding The Definition Of Bullying

  • Distinguishing Insensitive Remarks

    From Bullying Behaviour

  • Indicators Of Bullying Behaviour

  • When Does A Remark Become Bullying?

  • Addressing And Preventing Bullying

  • Reflective Questions To Ask

  • The Power Of Boundaries For Crew Wellbeing And Project Success

  • Social Environments At Work: How To Set Boundaries?

  • How To Address Various Ranges Of Bad Behaviour

  • General Guidelines For All Levels Of Response

  • Universal Stop Signal: Non-Verbal Cue for Addressing Negative Behaviour

Download the booklet now to prevent bullying and harassment, and address it effectively if it occurs.