Tips For Maintaining A Culture Of Improvement

What is a culture of improvement? We hear those words frequently, but what is the point of it? 

Firstly, let's dive into what the organisational culture actually means. 

Organisational culture is your company's personality. It's a combination of values, beliefs and behaviours set within the workplace. One crucial thing to note - it needs to evolve. Constantly. Otherwise, the company risks stagnation, ultimately leading to fallout. 

Here are 3 tips to follow to maintain a culture of improvement: 

Encourage Open Communication

A culture of improvement starts with open communication, where employees feel comfortable sharing new ideas, perspectives and solutions. This can be done through anonymous surveys, team meetings, or suggestion boxes. 

Embrace Change

When changes are implemented, analyse the talent behaviour. For some people, embracing change is more challenging than for others. As leaders, introduce mechanisms to help them adapt and thrive in new environments. This way, you provide an opportunity to get used to change, making the idea safe and adaptable. 

Regular Assessment

Continuous improvement requires regular assessment. 

How can you monitor your progress? You need targeted data on each production. Here's where we get involved.

We provide customised, anonymous production surveys. This information highlights areas for celebration and improvement based on collected data. 

Learn more about our Production Survey here.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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