How To Enhance Creative Workflows With Prevention?

At Talent Trust, we believe that prevention is a key solution to systemic challenges. When prevention is prioritised, the strategies become proactive, enabling producers to foresee any predicaments. Creative sector has a unique set of challenges, however, whether it's managing diverse teams, ensuring safety on set or fostering a sense of belonging, foreseeing these challenges makes all the difference.

Actionable Tips For Proactive Strategies:

- Comprehensive Pre-Production:

Through our research, we have identified that many decisions are deferred until the production stage. However, it's crucial to have a detailed pre-production plan with clear objectives, defined roles and established timelines.

- Open Communication:

It's not uncommon for people to sense when something is about to go wrong, but they may hesitate to speak up if they fear being ignored or even punished. To foster a culture of open communication, it's essential to set up team meetings where crew and talent feel comfortable raising concerns. This not only prevents mishaps but also makes everyone feel heard and valued.

While implementing these steps, assessment is crucial. How can you monitor your progress? You need targeted data on each production. Here's where we get involved.

We provide customised, anonymous production surveys. This information highlights areas for celebration and improvement based on collected data. Let us be your eyes on production.

Learn more about our Production Survey here.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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