The Majority Of Employees Are "Quite Quitting". What Can Be Done About It?

Gallup reports that 58% of employees worldwide are "quite quitting". The only way to battle this issue is to increase employee engagement.

The secret is to acknowledge their critical role and to incorporate frameworks for decision-making that are employee-centred.

Holacracy and Participative Decision Making (PDM) are two important frameworks that encourage widespread participation and distributed authority. Digital platforms for feedback loops, idea exchange, and cross-functional teamwork are helpful strategies for improving this approach, as they promote a collaborative culture with a range of viewpoints.

Google is a shining example, with its emphasis on employee liberty and open culture. To foster creativity and increase employee satisfaction, Google encourages its staff to dedicate 20% of their time to initiatives they are enthusiastic about. Because of this, Google was named the "№1 Company To Work For," drawing in the most talented and driven employees from around the globe, who in turn, put in their effort for the company's success.

Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey is professionally crafted for leaders - it provides the ability to benchmark your team’s progress as well as guide you creating your personalised frameworks of employee-centred decision making.

Learn more about our 'Eyes On Production' survey at:




***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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