How Talent Wellbeing Influences Creativity

While the connection between an employee performance and wellbeing is undeniable, it is often challenged in creative industries.

Read along to learn 3 factors that prove the symbiotic relationship of talent wellbeing and creativity.

Productions’ benefit when Wellbeing is at the heart

1. The Collaborative Nature of Film

Collaboration is key to bringing the creative aspects of a production to life. In order to establish trust within the crew/talent quickly, collaborative team meetings are essential for crew/talent to feel valued.

2. Mental and Emotional Resilience

The film industry often demands long hours and high-pressure situations. Building the mental and emotional resilience that enables talent/crew to navigate challenges effectively and maintain their creative edge is essential, as not only it lets creativity develop, but also mitigates the risk of burnout and underperformance.

3. Creativity Flourishes in Positive Environments

Both parties win from the talent’s wellbeing. A supportive work environment that prioritizes the nurture of talent, sets an atmosphere conducive to creativity. A valued and heard talent is more likely to take creative risks, suggest fresh and innovative ideas, and be an integral part of the production.

Talent Trust delivers a high level of expertise in the film industry. We conduct objective and anonymous surveys that measure talent wellbeing and provide customised guidelines on how to support and nurture it.

Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey:

  • Gives a third-party perspective and benchmarks your excellence

  • Provides the view of industry standards

  • Brings actionable insights from collected data

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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