The Link Between Trust Building And Talent Attraction

High pay alone won't draw top talent in today's employment market. So how do you attract the talent that makes your production really shine?

Establishing trust is imperative. Here's why:

• Beyond The Paycheck: Prominent talent looks for more than just financial stability. Being open and honest about your company's goals and principles draws people in.

• Employee Advocacy: Loyalty is bred by trust. Employees become your most effective advocates when they have faith in the company's vision and leadership. Their natural reach exceeds any costly ad campaign for recruitment.

• Lower Turnover Costs: Disengaged workers who lack trust are more likely to quit. Establishing trust promotes dedication and loyalty, which may save your company a lot of time and money.

Enhancing trust needs a planned approach:

• Employer Honesty Matters:

Throw out the PR fluff. Present the genuine culture and values of your production. Honesty is what people want, not a perfectly manicured appearance. 

• Leadership With Ethics: Deeds speak louder than words. Leaders who exhibit honesty and openness foster confidence. Prioritise moral behaviour, make data-driven decisions, and take responsibility for your actions.

Ready to take the first step? Our anonymous, customised Production survey will help you assess your current trust landscape. 

See your progress and start attracting talent based on data-driven solutions. 

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant. 


Trust & Wellbeing On Set Cheat Sheet


Navigating The Gig Economy: Freelancers In Film And Media Production