Navigating The Gig Economy: Freelancers In Film And Media Production

The film and media industry heavily relies on freelancers, who constitute 32% of the entire creative industry (1). However, freelancers often face communication gaps and a lack of belonging in the workplace.

How to bridge the gap between freelancers and your team to boost production?

Dedicated Communication Channels

Create spaces for clear communication with freelancers.

Clear & Consistent Communication

Keep everyone informed and on the same page. We discussed the ways to foster open communication in this post.

Open & Collaborative Environment

Foster a sense of belonging for freelancers. Learn the ways here.

Navigate Mental Health Needs

Freelancers' mental health takes a toll due to various reasons. Tips on carefully navigating mental health are mentioned here.

By prioritising communication, the production can benefit from smoother workflows, reduced rework, enhanced creativity, and a happy and engaged freelance workforce.

To understand the needs of freelancers, independent and anonymous surveys are crucial, which we offer to provide productions with the data necessary to attract and retain top talent.



***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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