Trust & Wellbeing On Set Cheat Sheet

We understand the entertainment industry thrives on a high-pressure, collaborative environment. That's why we're constantly researching and implementing best practices to foster trust and crew wellbeing. Here's your Trust & Wellbeing On Set Cheat Sheet:

→ Firstly, let's dive into one of the main causes of the decline in wellbeing - stress. 41% of employees perform worse when under stress. Here’s what you should do about it.

→ As an independent organisation running third-party surveys, we truly understand how talent fears repercussions when speaking out. The same happens when it comes to feedback. Read these posts to establish safe feedback:

1. Feedback Channels: Protect Yourself And Your Team

2. 4 Key Tips For Establishing Safe Peer Feedback

→ Wellbeing should be taken care of at the pre-production stage, too. We gathered actionable steps to take both at the pre-production and post-production stages here.

→ At last, turnover is rising at a serious speed. Thus, nurturing talent is crucial. Learn the ways to do so here.

While implementing these steps, assessment is crucial. How can you monitor your progress? You need targeted data on each production. Take our anonymous Production Survey.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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