The Link Between Team Engagement And Production Quality

According to Gallup, teams that are highly engaged tend to be 21% more productive (1). However, many production companies believe that engagement can be increased overnight, which is not the case. Mindful engagement is imperative to form a highly productive team brought together very quickly. Here are some tips on how to build a happy, engaged crew:

• Recognise good work.

• Share project goals & roles clearly.

• Encourage open communication & feedback.

Motivate the Crew:

• Set clear goals & track progress.

• Hold regular team meetings.

• Foster a safe & collaborative environment.

• Recognise individual needs & strengths.

Implement Independent Surveys:

• Regularly measure crew sentiment with 'Eyes On Production' survey.

• Identify areas for improvement and track progress over time.

The last part is crucial. Why?

While these steps may seem easy to follow, implementation is key to addressing and improving areas of concern. Our 'Eyes On Production' survey specialises in examining the engagement within the production, data storytelling and bringing deep analysis to how it reflects overall productivity and crew satisfaction.



***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


How Team Sentiment Can Serve As Indicators Of Success


Feedback Channels: Protect Yourself & Your Team