Feedback Channels: Protect Yourself & Your Team

Production sets can be a legal minefield due to serious problems such as discrimination, harassment, and bullying. These issues can lead to expensive lawsuits that can cost millions of dollars. The most significant concern is that you may be unaware that they are taking place.

Why ignorance is harmful:

• Victims suffer in silence, and according to FastCompany, 55.5% of bystanders witness misconduct but do not report it because they lack faith in corrective action (1), which also puts the organisation at risk.

• Employees Quit: Additionally, 57% of employees cite harassment or misconduct as a reason for leaving (2), leading to a high employee turnover rate.

• Furthermore, negative press can hurt your company, making it harder to attract talent and secure deals.

To avoid these problems, it's important to have a secure and efficient reporting system. One solution is to use a specific suggestion box poll run by a neutral third party like us. This will enable the crew to report misconduct anonymously and openly communicate without fear of retaliation.

Partnering with a reliable partner like us can help you manage reports effectively and professionally.

Do not wait for an emergency. Partner with us to create a safe space for your team to speak up.




***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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