How Team Sentiment Can Serve As Indicators Of Success

Several factors contribute to the success of TV and Film productions such as the cast, directing and screenplay. However, one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the overall sentiment of the team. Research in organisational psychology has revealed that positive team morale is strongly linked to better project outcomes. When team members feel supported, validated and listened to, they are more likely to:

• Collaborate effectively;

• Come up with innovative ideas;

• Produce high-quality work.

Producers and directors should prioritise the crew's wellbeing to create a positive production environment. Some proactive measures you can take include:

• Encouraging open communication;

• Using regular pulse checks to identify and address issues;

• Recognising team and individual achievements;

• Promote work-life balance.

However, measuring the effectiveness of the initiatives is as important as implementing them.

Our 'Eyes On Production' service ensures that the intentions are translated into meaningful actions. Additionally, our consultation includes practical advice on improvement areas of each production based on the gathered data.

We understand that this topic can be complex; that's why our survey is designed explicitly to help leaders improve their production outcomes by better understanding their team's needs.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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