Case Study: How Unpreparedness Undermines Satisfaction

Unpreparedness isn't just a minor inconvenience, it's a silent enemy that can sink your entire production. Recently, our client wanted to learn how well the various production teams they have on rotation were performing, particularly in terms of efficiency, satisfaction, and quality. Our 'Eyes On Production' survey revealed a clear correlation between team preparedness and crew satisfaction. Teams that reported feeling well-prepared for the project also expressed higher levels of satisfaction with the on-set environment. Conversely, teams lacking thorough preparation demonstrated lower satisfaction:

-> Team 1 scored a low 43% satisfaction score and a rank of only 4 out of 10 on time to prepare.

-> Team 2 scored a good satisfaction score of 70%. Their success was connected to high satisfaction with the equipment and direction available on-set. ​

-> Team 3 excelled with a 95% satisfaction score. This correlated with respondents scoring Team 3 high on time to prepare for their roles no matter their ages or titles. ​

As a result, best practices were created from the survey findings and a new training program was begun to assist in all teams meeting high satisfaction scores.​

This case study demonstrates the critical link between preparation and crew satisfaction.

However, every production is unique. We provide a customised 'Eyes On Production' survey for each production and offer practical solutions to close the gap and maximise the performance of your team.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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