How To Fix Communication Between Remote Film Crews?

Due to the increase in remote work, production companies now have more access to a larger talent pool. However, leading geographically scattered teams comes with its own set of difficulties. In this post, we delve into 2 most common communication issues along with actionable strategies to bridge the distance.


With so many platforms and channels for communication, remote teams can often be confused by the conversation stream. Updates are missed, and the stress level is high due to the fear of missing crucial information.


Choose different channels for various uses, like announcements, project updates, and light conversation. To ensure clear visibility into project progress, encourage the usage of task management tools found in project management software.


Emails quickly turn into a hub for misunderstandings. Misunderstandings can occur when one channel is used for multiple types of communication.


Put in place explicit communication guidelines. If emails are used, utilise them for high-level announcements. When it's important to have visual clues and real-time explanations, use video conferencing along with screen-sharing software when possible.

These are just a few examples of how communication can be challenging. Every production is unique. We provide customised surveys for each production and offer practical solutions to close the gap and maximise the performance of your remote team.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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