Happy Crew, Happy Shoot: Actionable Wellbeing Tips

A committed crew is essential to the magic of filmmaking, but their wellbeing may suffer as a result of long hours, rigorous schedules, and creative pressures. A stressed crew is a less productive crew. Follow these simple measures as a foundation to establish a welcoming and encouraging environment:


- Measure crew needs using a third-party survey (nutrition, communication, mental health).

- In a pre-production briefing, describe the well-being plan (food, rest areas, and resources).

- Establish a buddy system to motivate crew members to watch out for each other.

- Provide balanced meals and wholesome snacks, including vegetarian and vegan options.

- Plan for stretching breaks and promote getting outside. Consider on-site yoga!

- Observe the channels of communication and respond quickly to any crew concerns.

- Promote mental health resources (such as hotlines and EAPs).


- Get feedback (via an independent survey or discussion) to make future productions better.

- Host a wrap party or lunch to honour the crew's hard work and commitment to wellbeing.

By taking these actions, you create a happy, encouraging atmosphere for a productive, healthy team. However, every production is unique and we provide customised surveys suited to the particular requirements of your production and offer practical solutions to close the gap and maximise the performance of your remote team.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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