Case Study: 65% Of TV Series Crew Felt Fatigued And Stressed During Filming

Talent Trust was able to leverage data-driven insights to enhance the working conditions of a production team.

In this specific case, the client's data collection from their TV series revealed a significant concern: a substantial 65% of their crew members experienced fatigue and stress due to demanding work schedules.

Recommended solution

  • Job Share

  • Facilities For Children

  • Shift in Schedules

  • Scheduled Group Gatherings to Relax

  • Teaching Tricks to Self-Care

  • Keeping a Journal of Overcoming Challenges


  • Greater Job Satisfaction

  • Less Fatigue

  • Built Bond In Between the Colleagues

  • Avoiding Burn Out

  • Managing the Stress

  • Stress Turned Into Critical Thought

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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