73% Of Brands Do Not Showcase The Way They Achieve Living Wages For Supply Chain Workers.

Transparency in the production process is not merely a virtue; it is an absolute necessity in today's complex and interconnected world. From concept to consumer, the production journey is laden with numerous stages, each vulnerable to potential abuse if not scrutinised with transparency in mind.

According to the 2022 Fashion Transparency Index, 73% of brands still do not showcase the way that they achieve living wages for supply chain workers

Avoiding Risk Through Data-Driven Reports

It is important to remember that a production crew and cast are a part of a supply chain, whose deliberate efforts are crucial to a brand’s success, as well as their image.

Talent Trust provides powerful analytics from demographics to financial security to ensure that all talent and crew are treated fairly and that performance is able to thrive.

We assess team satisfaction with pulse surveys, powerful analytics and action planning.

6 Benefits Of a Transparent Supply Chain:

  • Customer Assurance

  • Strong brand image

  • Growing brand loyalty

  • Meaningful partnerships

  • Competitive edge

  • Brand's social impact enhancement

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


Case Study: 65% Of TV Series Crew Felt Fatigued And Stressed During Filming


6 Ways To Prevent On-Set Injuries