Achieve A 400% Performance Surge Through Trust

Despite a focus on strategies for financial growth, the critical factor of success ... trust, is frequently neglected.

Tap to see statistical insights that underscore the critical importance of trust, sourced from various research outlets.
According to Visier:

65% They generally tell me the truth

52% They’re transparent about company policies and practices

32% They encourage employees to speak up

These results should be higher and are a shocking reality check in the ability to trust. Mistrust leads to accidents, poor performance, and mental ill-health. Can you afford not to trust?

Why is Trust Eroded?

  • Lack of Transparency

  • Poor Communication

  • Inconsistent Leadership

  • Unfair Treatment

  • Unrealistic Expectations

  • Lack of Recognition and Appreciation

According to Deloitte, trusted companies outperform their peers by up to 400%

Trust is Key to Success

Whether you are a consumer or working for a company, trust is the foundation of any action. See below for stats:

88% likeliness that customers will repurchase the product from the brand they trust.

79% of employees are less likely to leave the company and feel motivated to work.

Talent Trust gives tangible ways to quickly bring a team together and create a high performing production. We measure, nurture and understand teams.

The survey measurement tool we use is called ‘Eyes On Production’, because we are the eyes that allow you to perform at your best.

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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