Unveiling True Insights Internal vs External Surveys

Surveys are a proven tool that drives actionable insights towards the company's productivity. However, there is a pattern that constantly fails internal surveys, including survey design. According to Harvard Business Review, many HR managers still use the design principles created 40 and 50 years ago.

Swipe to read the nuances that apply when the surveys are run by a third party. Keep in mind - the survey designs not only determine the results but the efficiency of the actions that are taken based on the data.

Objectivity Leads to Success

Unbiased Data Collection

Third-party surveys operate independently, whereas internal surveys may imprint the bias, or lead the participants towards a specific thought which they may not necessarily agree with.

Objective Analysis

The main point of running the surveys is to benchmark the success and improve some aspects of work. Freed from internal politics, third parties bring objective interpretations.

Confidentiality Brings Honesty

Talent often fears the data being traced back to them, which impacts the authenticity of their response. Third-party surveys create a safe space for genuine, confidential opinions.

Industry View

Third-party allows the company to benchmark the work that is done internally against the industry standards. The external comparative analysis brings valuable insights into a broad landscape.

Talent Trust delivers a high level of expertise in the culture, media, and sport. We conduct objective and anonymous surveys that measure talent’s level of trust they have in their employer.

Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey:

  • Gives a third-party perspective and benchmarks your excellence

  • Provides the view of industry standards

  • Brings actionable insights from collected data

    ***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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