6 Ways To Prevent On-Set Injuries

On-set injuries are unfortunately very common in advertising, film/TV productions and can go under-reported or unreported altogether. It is estimated that between 20 and 40 people are severely injured or even killed each year during the production of a film.

'Eyes On Production' is the key to understanding where these pinch-points are.

1. Conduct Risk Assessments:

Before starting any production, conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential hazards. This should include evaluating the location, equipment, stunts, and special effects.

2. Hire Qualified Professionals:

Ensure that all crew members are experienced and qualified for their respective roles. Hiring experienced professionals reduces the likelihood of mistakes and accidents.

3. Safety Training:

Provide safety training to all cast and crew members. This should include instructions on how to use equipment and perform stunts (of any size) safely.

4. Equipment Inspection:

Regularly inspect and maintain all equipment, including cameras, lighting, and rigging. Faulty equipment can lead to accidents.

5. Use Protective Gear:

Ensure that all cast and crew members wear appropriate safety gear when required. This might include helmets, gloves, goggles, or other protective equipment.

6. Emergency Medical Support:

Have medical professionals or first-aid responders on set. They should be ready to provide immediate assistance in case of injuries.

In summary, safety risks are a significant concern in film/TV and advertising productions, and it’s important to take appropriate measures to mitigate these risks.

Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey helps you know where these pinch-points are, so you can provide a safe and healthy working environment for all talent and crew members.

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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