4 Key Tips For Establishing Safe Peer Feedback

To spark innovation and engagement, feedback is essential for creative teams. It's transformative for several reasons:

- With weekly insightful feedback, 80% of employees are fully engaged (1).

- Companies that implement regular feedback have 14.9% lower turnover rates (2).

Any feedback has to be given from a positive space. It is really important to talk with love and kindness from the heart. If the crew feels triggered or angry, be careful giving feedback as it can hurt no matter how well intended. As long as all these factors are in place, here are 4 key tips:


Give explicit direction, and concentrate on particular behaviours or actions.

Future Orientation

Talk about how to use feedback to foster growth and learning. 

Open Dialogue

Encourage a two-way dialogue that is open to questions from both parties.


Feedback has to be given promptly to guarantee its applicability and efficiency.

Any successful feedback requires careful application and careful implementation. Establishing independent assessments ensures feedback not only fosters growth but also drives continuous improvement. Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey is professionally crafted to provide the ability to benchmark your team’s progress as well as guide you in fostering a safe and collaborative culture.


1. https://www.gallup.com/workplace/357764/fast-feedback-fuels-performance.aspx

2. https://www.zippia.com/advice/employee-feedback-statistics/

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant


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