Surveys As A Tool To Boost Trust: Case Study

Employee engagement surveys are a vital resource that organisations can use to assess employee trust and handle uncertainties that could affect both morale and productivity. Read along to learn about a case study, demonstrating surveys' ability to enhance trust at the workplace.

Surveys As a Tool To Boost Trust

The survey's considerable impact on changing workplace culture is demonstrated in a case study by The Great Place To Work on a creative agency. By running a survey, major areas of employee dissatisfaction including perceptions of compensation and management attitude were identified. An amazing improvement in their employee experience score was the result of their deliberate approach to comprehending and acting upon these findings. This preemptive approach is a prime example of how a thorough examination of survey data may result in significant organisational modifications that strengthen, make more transparent, and strengthen team culture.

Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey is professionally crafted to not only gather the data but also provide actionable insights, focusing on the root of the key areas for development.

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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