How To Break The Cycle Of Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying casts a long shadow of a team, reflecting the decline in productivity, and growth, ultimately leading to a loss of talent.

Save our general guidelines on how to eradicate workplace bullying, which can prevent companies from reputational risks.

Breaking the Cycle of Workplace Bullying

Most Important Policy

Establish a clear, robust anti-bullying policy, underpinning a zero-tolerance stance. Your policy should clearly determine what is considered bullying and what should be done if bullying occurs.

Leadership’s Initiative

Leaders' commitment is not only crucial for decisions made around the company’s financial growth but also for setting the example of change in the workplace culture.

Culture of Openness

In a culture of openness, talent/crew are free from the dangers of professional repercussions; having open and honest dialogues can defuse the tensions that often leads to bullying.

Feedback Mechanism

Establishing a confidential feedback mechanism is crucial to prevent bullying from escalating and holding accountable.

Regular Review

Anti-bullying policy is a living document, which should evolve with continuous feedback. Running a third-party survey that guarantees confidentiality will bring honesty and response authenticity.

Our ‘Eyes On Production’ survey provides the ability to benchmark your progress as well as guide you in building a culture of openness, in addition to potentially preventing legal risks and reputational damages.

The survey also:

  • Presents data-driven solutions for successful implementation of DE&I initiatives.

  • Provides a general overview of industry standards.

  • Brings actionable insights from collected data.

***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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