Survey Insights Into Optimising Day-To-Day Operations On-Set: 2 Case Studies

Years of experience have taught us that film sets suffer from hidden problems like communication breakdowns and logistical bottlenecks. These issues are frequently disregarded by conventional surface observation and lead to low performance and waste of time. 

Bespoke and data-driven insights for on-set challenges are provided through our independent surveys. In this post, we discuss two common on-set issues along with providing the solutions for them.


Wardrobe change delays, leading to shooting time being extended.

Solutions we propose

Carefully adjusting wardrobe schedules to tie in with a shoot day will cut down on wait times and guarantee that actors show up on-set on time.

There is also a second common problem that productions face

caused by inefficient communication:


Departmental misunderstandings about deadlines and tasks.

Solutions we propose

Establish clear channels of communication, i.e. group chats "Crew Group", "Producers Group" etc. Have daily briefings to make sure everyone, from wardrobe to set design, is in sync. Increased transparency will help streamline production.

Anonymous surveys mitigate problems and open doors to a more efficient production. Productions can achieve a win-win situation by paying attention to the opinions of those working on the set and putting their suggestions into practice. This will result in increased productivity, a satisfied crew, and eventually a successful output.

Our 'Eyes On Production' survey will provide you with bespoke insights and enhanced production with a personalised consultation.

*** This post is advice only. Always ask for a consultant.


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