Low Morale, Missed Deadlines? It Might Be Your Leadership.

Calling producers and directors on set - deadlines looming? Frustrated crew? Your leadership style could be the culprit.

Beyond technical expertise, high-performing productions need strong leadership that assembles a symphony of talent. Our meticulously crafted surveys provide producers and directors with an effective lens through which they can analyse their leadership approach and its impact on crew dynamics.

Above And Beyond The Take

Go beyond basic leadership evaluations with detailed performance analysis. Learn more about how your team views your strategy, from encouraging teamwork to establishing performance standards.

Strengths And Development Areas

Determine your leadership's strong points and the areas that need strategic attention. Do you do a great job setting an example for the team but find it difficult to create psychological safety? Our surveys shed light on all sides of the issue.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Our 'Eyes On Production' survey goes beyond conventional leadership evaluations by including emotional and mental health components. With the use of this critical lens, you can comprehend how your leadership style affects the team's mental health and create plans for building a resilient workforce.

Optimising Team Performance

Optimise your leadership style to create a culture that encourages innovation, high levels of involvement, and maximum productivity. Our tailored consultation provides you with the tools to foster a mutually beneficial link between team performance and leadership.


Survey Insights Into Optimising Day-To-Day Operations On-Set: 2 Case Studies


Learning From Mistakes: How To Set Hollywood's "Second Take" Mentality