Navigating Mental Health In The Freelancer Community

A significant characteristic of the creative sector is its heavy reliance on freelancers. Within the entire creative industry, freelancers constitute 32% of its labour force (1).

Data presents a grim picture: Freelancers' mental health takes a toll due to irregular income (85%), unpaid bills (65%), and the constant pressure to prove their worth (69%), all of which increase stress levels (2).

Not only does it influence their health but also their performance, which in turn affects the company's turnover rate, revenue, and reputation.

How should a company navigate freelancers' mental health to maintain productivity?

Clear Communication

Maintain open and transparent communication about project requirements, timelines, and feedback.

Prompt Payment

Ensure timely and fair compensation for work completed.

Provide Access to Resources for Mental Health Support

Provide your talent with mental health resources like online counselling services or wellness app subscriptions.

Encourage Regular Breaks

To avoid burnout, foster a work environment that values breaks and relaxation.

Honour Boundaries

Recognise and honour the boundaries between professional and personal time, particularly in light of irregular hours worked by freelancers.

Given that mental health is a private matter, evaluating the effects of mental health initiatives is challenging. Our 'Eyes On Production' survey offers actionable insights to efficiently evaluate and enhance your strategies.




***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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