How Do You Measure Trust?ROI Is Not the Only Metric

With good reason, return on investment (ROI) is one of the most important metrics in business. Although it is still an important indicator, it ignores the critical role that trust plays in developing a devoted and effective team.

Why ROI Is Insufficient:

• Profits are given priority above talent wellbeing, which discourages engagement and innovation for better outcomes.

• It overlooks the importance of a dedicated team that fosters long-term growth in favour of concentrating on short-term gains.

• It tracks compliance rather than employee advocacy, which draws top talent and enhances brand image.

While trust is intangible, its impact is undeniable. Here's how you can measure it beyond ROI:

Independent Surveys:

In-depth surveys reveal opinions about management, workplace culture, and general working conditions. Third-party surveys create a safe space for genuine, confidential responses. They also allow the company to benchmark the work that is done internally against industry standards. The external comparative analysis brings valuable insights into a broad landscape.

That's where we come in:

• We give a third-party perspective and benchmark your excellence

• Provide the view of industry standards

• Bring actionable insights from collected data

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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