Empowering Film Crews: Can We Dismantle Bias?

Despite exuberance and excitement, movie sets can conceal deeper issues, keeping productions from realising their full potential. These issues, which are biases and unequal access to opportunities, power, and resources are known as structural inequities.

They may:

• Inhibit creativity by limiting the range of viewpoints and concepts;

• Cause team members to disengage due to feeling underappreciated and demotivated;

• Produce "echo chamber" storylines that are too limited to appeal to a larger audience.

How To Address These Issues Proactively?

-> Move beyond tokenism. Actively seek diverse talented individuals for both in front of and behind the camera.

-> Foster a safe space for the crew to voice concerns freely. Encourage open dialogue dedicated to solving problems.

-> Empower through transparent decision-making. This builds trust towards producers, directors and overall management.

While implementing these steps, assessment is crucial. How can you monitor your progress? You need targeted data on each production. Here's where we get involved.

We provide customised, anonymous production surveys. This information highlights areas for celebration and improvement based on collected data. It can also answer your questions through in-depth analysis.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


Collaboration On Set Cheat Sheet


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