Conflict Resolution On Set

In a high-energy creative environment such as film production, at times problems arise.

At Talent Trust, we recognise that conflict on film sets can stem from misunderstandings or deliberate confrontations intended to cause harm. To effectively address such conflicts:

It's crucial to grasp the underlying intent behind comments or actions to untangle the hurt.

Active listening is key to uncovering the root problem and fostering trust, facilitating de-escalation.

• Acknowledge all perspectives. It is important to remain impartial when discussing the conflict. Keep the team focused on shared objectives during conflict discussions.

• Seek win-win outcomes. carefully examine the compromise that can be made from both sides.

• The Ripple Effect Of Resolution.

Addressing issues promptly saves on-set morale, time, and resources. Neglecting minor problems can escalate into larger issues like reshoots, fatigue, quiet quitting, and missed deadlines, resulting in significant financial implications.

We understand the importance of providing a secure environment for crew members. To facilitate this, we provide an anonymous Suggestion Box Survey, enabling early detection and resolution of conflicts before they escalate

Learn more about our surveys here.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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