Best Practices For Bullying Prevention In Creative Industries

Bullying has been a persistent issue in the creative industries, causing harm and hindering collaboration, which is essential for exceptional work. For instance, 57% of UK film and TV employees reported experiencing bullying, harassment, or discrimination in 2022 (1). Why care?

Because when cast and crew face harassment or abuse on sets, it can severely impact not only their well-being but also the project's quality.

There are multiple ways to address this and, most importantly, prevent bullying. Here are some concrete actions to think about:

• Create Anti-Bullying Policies:

Consider establishing a clear anti-bullying policy, and if you find out there is bullying on set - act on it. This way, organisations can set significant, clear standards that everyone can trust and adhere to. Research has shown that only solid policies can reduce the number of bullying incidents. Assessment is pivotal to continuous improvement.

• Hold Frequent Training Sessions:

Regular training sessions should educate staff on recognising and preventing bullying.

• Encourage Honest Communication:

As research shows, bullying will not be uncovered safely unless there's a secure, private channel to report bullying.

• Addressing Bullying Mechanism:

To prevent further harm, a feasible course of action should be established to address documented cases of bullying swiftly.

• Offer Assistance:

Providing bullying victims with counselling and other forms of support will show your support and care for all crew.

• Encourage Inclusivity:

Lastly, establishing a culture of inclusivity where every team member is respected and valued will help create a safe space for all.

The only way to determine if there's progress is to have assessments through independent and anonymous surveys.

At Talent Trust, we take it a step further. Our comprehensive Production survey helps to uncover the extent of bullying on set and the nature of the problem.

Take proactive action before it gets too late.

Learn more about our Production Survey at:

Stats source.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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