Is Mental Health Spending Worth It?

Based on the evidence, mental health programmes can provide a return on investment of up to 4:1 (WHO). Despite this, debates persist on the ROI from mental health spending, mainly due to flawed execution strategies.

Strategic Errors To Avoid:

❌ Implementing generic programs that don't meet the varied needs of creative roles.

❌ Lack of confidentiality, which discourages individuals from seeking help.

❌ Overlooking the need for ongoing mental health education and awareness for all staff.

❌ Failing to track results complicates the process of refining and improving initiatives.

Efficient mental health spending requires strategic planning to ensure a solid ROI. Avoid common mistakes to maximise effectiveness and financial returns.

Our "Eyes On Production" survey offers essential insights to enhance mental health strategies and avoid investing in flawed approaches.

Learn how 'Eyes On Production' consultation guides you in creating a safe and productive workplace.


***This is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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