Cultivating A Sense Of Belonging In Diverse Production Teams

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for the complicated subject of DE&I. Every crew has distinct needs. But knowing how your team feels is an important first step. Data on belonging is KEY.

Here's how to get started (often overlooked basics):

Team Recognition

Honour a range of experiences and backgrounds. Learn about the backgrounds and viewpoints of the people in your team. This promotes a feeling of community and trust.

Inclusive Language

Get rid of unconscious bias and jargon. Steer clear of industry jargon and terms that could alienate newcomers.

Open Communication

Promote sincere dialogue. Establish a secure area where crew members can ask questions or voice concerns without worrying about being judged.

Even if the steps seem straightforward, ignoring them is a major mistake. A team that is treated like an afterthought will not provide its best work.

Do you want to delve further? Fill out our Production survey anonymously.

It collects data unique to YOUR team, highlighting your strengths and opportunities for development.

Our production survey goes beyond the ordinary measures of DE&I. Our commitment is not merely reflected in numbers but in the profound impact on your crew's experience.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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