Checklist For Pre-Production Success

Preparation is the key to success. But in the midst of routine work, some checks can slip through the cracks.

Save this pre-production checklist to make sure your production runs smoothly:

Concept And Script Development:

• Is the script finalised?

• Was the script given to the crew?


• Have you outlined any anticipated costs?

Assembling A Team:

• Have you hired all professionals for the project?

• Does everyone know their Department Leads?


• Is the production schedule detailed enough?

• Is the production schedule realistic?

Location Scouting And Permits:

• Have you scouted suitable locations?

• Were all necessary permits obtained?

Casting And Rehearsals:

• Is your cast fully selected and contracted?

• Are rehearsals scheduled?

Safety On A Filming Set:

• Is all required equipment secured and tested?

• Has the crew provided any feedback on the equipment safety?

Health And Safety Protocols

• Were the crew and talent made aware of the Health & Safety Protocol?

• Were the crew and talent made aware of the Anti-Bullying & Harassment policy?

While implementing the checklist, assessment is crucial. How can you monitor your progress? You need targeted data on each production. Here's where we get involved.

We provide customised, anonymous production surveys. This information highlights areas for celebration and improvement based on collected data. Let us be your eyes on production.

Learn more about our Production Survey here.

***This post is advice only. Always ask a consultant.


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